At first I titled it "2011 Goals", then I realized that even the most hearty of readers would be turned off by that, and I'd have to accomplish about five goals a day for a year. I'd be exhausted. The goals are for me, but I'm blogging them as a form of accountability. I'll probably revisit this post at my birthday and other junctures. Pointers and encouragement are welcome.
My goals are categorized:
1. To run a race a month or a total of 12 races for the year. The race must be a minimum of a 10k to count.
2. To join a running club or run with a group at least once a week.
3. No fast food.
4. Mostly vegetarian but with a focus on clean eating-- local and not processed. I'm more interested in reducing sweeteners than I am in meat.
5. No soda and reduced caffeine.
1. Find a job for next September-- be open to opportunities beyond my search.
2. Be intelligent, active and faithful in my job search. Consider it work-- set mini goals (like applying to certain schools by certain dates).
3. Refrain from being negative at my present job-- consider all my frustrations to be incentive for finding a new job.
4. Write 15 blog posts a month. Come up with a more organized, categorized formula for the posts.
5. Write the book I've been thinking about (work on it for a minimum of 5 hours a week and produce a minimum of 250 double spaced, 12 font pages).
A. Volunteer in some cool local and journal
B. Work and save money while training for some cool race.
1. Attend Sunday worship weekly.
2. Be a member of a Bible study or Community group and attend weekly.
3. Have a set daily quiet time-- try for two (a main and a mini).
4. Practice Lent.
5. Read a theology book at least once a month-- and blog about it.
6. Listen.
1. Write a budget down.
2. Use cash.
3. Live in the black (spend less than I make)
4. Find additional income (tutoring, second job: bookstore, Starbucks, REI, etc)
5. Cook. Eat out at most twice a week (once at EarthFare).
6. Come up with alternative ways to hang out with friends and meet people that don't cost money.
7. Not buy new clothes.
1. Read 40 books this year.
2. Write.
3. Listen.
1. Catch up with at least one long distance friend a week via phone, snail mail or email. This vacation reminded me how formative and nurturing friends are.
Essentially, I want to live with more intention. I want to be less hurried and not procrastinate.