Joy is the most simple form of gratitude. Karl Barth
I've been methodically beating my head against the cliched brick wall. Performing the same task over and expecting a different outcome is a definition of insanity, and this has been the precise route my job search has taken. No wonder I'm feeling a little crazy. The most useful thing I've been doing during these months is praying for a solution, i.e. job.
Instead of a job, my sister suggested an idea that incorporates so many of the things I want to do and excel at (kids, creativity, teaching, learning, complexity, flexibility, exercise, autonomy). It would involve self-employment and several of my passions and things I have experience doing. In fact, it's borderline genius, and there doesn't appear to be anything like it... at least in this area.
But, there's a lot of work to get there. I'm not sure how it will all work; I'm going to have to do a lot of research. I'm going to have to figure out who to ask questions. I read that the highest vocabularies and IQs belong to entrepreneurs-- not scientists, doctors, professors (although technically some of those have become entrepreneurs). Just dipping my toe into the waters of this concept is making me believe this factoid. The intelligence fact is making realize how much help I'm going to need.
I'd really like to see if I could get it set up for the summer but definitely by the fall. I'm feeling the most excited I have in a while! This is making me feel gratitude for my quirky package of talents, temperament and experience instead of dread and a wtf mentality. However, the idea hit me the same day I went to a lecture on patience. Hmm.
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