Monday, April 16, 2012

HM goal and plan

I've decided to run a half marathon this summer and that I want a decent finish. My goal is 1:45 or an 8:01 pace. I found a Runner's World training calculator that helped me figure out what paces I need to be running my training runs in to reach this goal. Plus, I found this 8-week HM training schedule on Tuck's website. I think I'm going to do the speed/tempo/long runs from the advanced workout and cross train (swim, row, lift, yoga, and/or do some class) on the other days. I'm starting on week 3 because I only have 6 weeks to train. We shall see. According to this plan, I will be running 4x800 tomorrow at a 7:21 pace, Thursday I'll be doing a tempo run 4x10-12 min at a 7:50 pace. Trying to run specific times means I'm going to be using a treadmill or getting a snazzier watch. But, I'm finding this motivating. I'm going to have to workout before work this week. We'll see how that goes.

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