Sunday, June 24, 2012

madness: day 3

It's come  to this.  Because my scale consistently kept hitting 5 pounds above where I've set my maximum and 10 pounds from my ideal weight.

A diet... well, a modified diet.  Their expectations were ludicrous: 1/2 grape fruit and a piece of toast for breakfast.  Please.  I modified to 1 grapefruit and 2 pieces of toast.  So, I pretty much keep in line with the spirit but add quantity of like foods, and I've already lost three pounds.

My cousin's wedding is a month out, and I'm not running= 2 toes + 2 knees are bothering me + I'm woefully out of shape + the weather is too hot and yucky humid.  Yes, I'm an excellent whiner.  Too bad I can't credentialed in that.  (I'm walking and kind of doing yoga instead.  Woot, woot. I still have an illogical loathing of yoga.)

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

But, don't think me too heroic (just on the off chance you're impressed). 1st, I'm modifying from the get go. 2nd, it's day 3 out of 14.  And, I've already planned some cheating (Tuesday night going out with another cousin, Wednesday night a birthday party (I'll have to drink!).) Then there's treacherous waters with three lunches-- all with guys who make fun of me if I try to do something sorority-girl like order a salad.  I will not give into peer pressure.

I didn't realize that I was this booked. See, this is why I'm not good at dieting.  Maybe I can just order a side or something... or just not stuff myself silly.

3rd, fruit and vegetables are the tastiest thing around this time of year.  It's not an act of sacrifice to eat practically vegetarian this time of year, especially since I have time to go to the Farmers' Market.  I'm snacking on cherries!  Total hardship.

4th, I can caffeinate as much as I want to-- just no sugar or cream/milk into the coffee.

It's a teensy bit sad to give up ice cream and beer, but vanity wins in the end. Our family is all about taking pictures, and I don't want to regret them.

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