Thursday, October 18, 2012

Best side: your left

Profile pic from 2007
A friend just wrote a really useful post: your-best-side.  After reading it, I analyzed my profile pics on FaceBook and concluded she's right.  Most of my favorites are from the left.  The study made me proud to be from North Carolina-- where we study stuff like this.  Seriously, I bet the study cost several million dollars.

And, I thought I need to write useful things.  Or at least somewhat entertaining. Or perplexing.

Today, I realized I'm fine with critiquing my life but take issue when others do it.  A guy I'm trying to help told me his problems were nothing compared to mine. That's a problem.

I also want to buy a camera and a house.  Let's just say a camera is outside my budget.  I think working at a bank is already impacting me.

I did yoga this morning with a lot of older women who are far more flexible than I am.  But, I feel better and more humble.

I met my mom and brother for brunch.  It was a good time.  We laughed.

In a conversation with a friend, I discovered I'm in the midst of an identity crisis but concluded it's only an issue when I think about it-- as are a lot of things.  Maybe, I need to become an alcoholic.  Or, I need to buy the camera and start taking pictures of my day-- to make my life feel more tangible and traceable.  Yes, that was a day I took a picture of the spoonerism on the church sign.  The camera will have a deep impact on my existential angst.  That's why I'm a fan of materialism.  One day, I'll finally purchase the item that will make my life worth living.

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