Wednesday, December 12, 2012

xmas tourist

I had one fun day yesterday... equally relaxing and stimulating.  Fun was much needed as I've been an uptight stress bunny the past couple of days.  But, fun is full of magic and reorientates my perspective.

I went to see the horrid new Gerrard Butler movie.  I sat through the entire thing waiting for it to get better.  But, it didn't.  (Sorry, if I ruined it for you.)  I should of gone to Anna Karenina, but I was afraid it would be disappointing because I love the book.  I don't think it could have been more disappointing than this dud; I despised how vapid it made out women to be.

Then we went to a French restaurant where I demolished this amazing smoked salmon croissant and some skinny fries and window shopped at the fancy stores that sell what NYC people where.  It's the stuff I read about in magazines.  It's nice to see it in real life.  I contend clothes boutiques are art galleries.  Shoes, dresses, etc. are beautiful and innovative.

It was cold. So when my aunt left to go to get ready for her appointment, I had to go by my favorite consignment shop.  I fell in love with this teal cashmere sweater, cool but decent jeans, and these Katherine Hepburn-esque/ Lauren Bacall-esque pants.  I was such a dork: I asked the sales girls to cut off the tags so I could wear them right then (sweater and jeans).  And, I changed right there.  I felt fantastic and adventurous that I headed to uptown.

After snagging a parking spot, I went around snapping really bad shots of cool decorations.  About five people came up to me and chatted while I was taking pictures.  I discussed with a homeless guy the possibility that they'd keep the lights up after Christmas.  We both they'll keep the tree garden one with blue lights up year-round.  The lights transform the corner from scary to magical.

An artistic Christmas tree
Then, I ended up at the Mint for their Tuesday night FREEdom.  Because of my work schedule, I miss worship services.  It's gotten to the point I'd even go to a bad one with cheesy music and lackluster preaching just to go.  But, the museum felt sacred in the sense that it's set apart.  Beauty points to a good and big God and reminds you that there are elements to reality that are not visible to the naked eye.

And, I happened upon this lecture by Joseph Walsh this artist that uses wood as his medium.  It was a fantastic lecture: nice looking guy, Irish accent, beautiful slides, and interesting ideas that I'd never considered.

It's nice to escape the grinding monotony of everyday every once in a while, right?  Even if it's a mini-adventure in your city.

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