I've been obnoxious with my dog fixation. I want a dog, a Hungarian Visla or Rhodesian Ridgeback to be precise, even though I don't have the time or the money for such a dog. So, the Chief, as funny as she is, got me this little Valentine pup to tide me over until the time for a real one comes. I think I'll name him Tiberius. A name when in size 36 font is longer than he. It was between Demosthenes and Tiberius. I chose Tiberius because it's Roman, rugged and breaks into a knickname more easily. Trust me, he's a keeper: he's plush and has a solid world view. His politics are sound as are his view of the human condition. Really, the two go hand in hand.
Today, I sent a lot of kids to Redirect. They got 3 checks beside their name. I've been a little timid about sending them because the principal publishes a public record as a shaming technique. But, I was talking it over with the Chief, she told me, that repeat customers is evidence of the ineffectiveness of "Redirect" rather than your classroom management. So, I'm sure I'll gain the repercussions of making a lazy person earn his keep, but it shaped up the other kids.
I figured out the logistics of keeping my job via Lateral Entry. I have to take two classes that will cost me $650 each-- the School District will reimburse me for $400. So, that puts me back $900. I need to figure out other funding besides my savings. Teaching is an expensive job. My sister calls me the professional volunteer. She makes 3.5 times what I make with the same amount of education and hours worked. C'est la vie. My one consolation is tax bracket. I don't even get the consolation of looking down on business thanks to my family and Regent education. All vocations are equal in my sight. We all serve the same God and our different parts of the same Body. I think people who feel self-righteous either for taking the high road or for making lots of money are errant. We are all called to different tasks even in different seasons. All this said, money confounds me. I'm slowly learning how to deal with and respect it.
It's gotten cold again, which has contributed to me getting caught up with my grading.
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