My brother sent my mom a bouquet. An elegant bouquet: roses, lilies, snazzy greenery, no carnations, no baby's breath. It was a proud moment to see what a fine young man my little brother has become. A) He sent flowers to his mom on Valentine's. B) He sent a classy bouquet-- it even smells good. My mom always jokes that J-D grew up with three moms because of my sister and me. I have to say that we did a good job: the boy is quality.
Because of J-D's bouquet and my budget, I took a different flower angle. I took Mom to lunch and the botanical garden. We had a good time and remarked how beautiful it will be in a couple of weeks. All these little green shoots are appearing in the beds. And, the crocuses have blossomed. I keep hoping for snow, but seeing the flowers worries me-- I don't want them to freeze.
Plus there was a quilt show at the garden. There were quilts of varying skill levels. This one was my absolute favorite. It's so imaginative and makes me think of my friends who make paper cranes. This quilt feels like a children's story to me. (I like how the garden encourages artists of all kinds; there was a photography contest as well. Beauty begets beauty. We are made in the image of our Maker.)
My theological book club kicks off this Saturday! I'm excited and a little nervous. It's going to be a small group this month, but I have 3 more slated to come in March. I hope it'll be fun, encouraging and challenging. We're going to discuss Bonhoeffer's Life Together. I had tremendous difficulty sending both emails to the group. I don't know if that's a sign of my technical ineptness or a little spiritual tackiness. Please pray if you have some spare intercession time.
I'm starting to teach poetry this week. Woohoo. I'm excited but know I shouldn't be because my kids hate it (and me). And, I need more ideas on how to teach South Africa. Last Friday, a girl asked me, "Why are we studying all these black people?" I answered, "Because we're studying Africa."
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