Time felt gooey today. It was similar to eating a cinnamon bun at Grounds for Coffee at Dunbar on a Vancouver Tuesday: warm, decadent and sinful. But a girl has got to do it from time to time.
With the second snow day, I finally reached the tasks that remain on the margins of my schedule. I did my bible study, read in my book club book, did some school work, read in Outliers, bought some organizational supplies. I played in the snow for about an hour. By "play in the snow", I mean clean off the Chief's and my cars. It was a fun work out. The snow was crunchy and required strategy and muscle.
I spent too much time on the internets (breaking my Lenten promise for the third time-- yowsers). I chatted with my brother and came up with a fun plan for next week. And, my bible study edified me. God is in control. Recession, depression, crazy colleagues, foggy future, loneliness, unfulfilled dreams, apathy. God is good. God is powerful. Suffering is nothing new.
And, I spent too much time working. But, it was the part of my job that I enjoy: planning, reading, et al.
I corresponded with the University lady who said she was getting conflicting dicatates (fewer adjunctsand different classes) for summer school. She told me at the very least that she'd schedule me for the fall. I'd like to work out the kinks in the summer. But, I am the beggar not the chooser.
Yay, new U2 album!
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