Work and weekend: I can tell I'm teaching alliteration. I worked 9 hours this weekend. I didn't take Saturday off, which we'll see if this is a smart move leading to a lower stress week... or a stupid move, leading to burn out. I got stuff done that I consider "Work Day Work": a bulletin board, a game and a poster of an acrostic poem about test-taking. And, it took me five hours, and I'm not finished.
I sometimes feel like the world's most ineffective teacher, and time is how I assuage my guilt. I put in hours of work. I don't know if it makes me any more effective, but the state is getting a splendid deal when you divide my salary by the hours I work.
I"ve been blogging less because of my Lenten promise and a realization of how much time I spend on my computer. I'm not sure my blogging and FB and emailing constitute "REAL" time. So, I'm experimenting how this is affecting my writing, reading and sanity.
I watched two great movies this weekend: "Iron Man" and "Pride and Prejudice". P&P was set in modern times; Jane and Elizabeth were roommates. It was light and entertaining. IM was fantastic.
I have two exciting ideas for stories that I'm going to play with this week. A colleague gave me a free notepad, which inspired me. It's a crazy notepad from an even crazier business venture. And, teaching Haikus gave me the idea of expanding the 17 syllables into stories. I haven't written fiction in a while. We shall see.
While I was working at the Public Library yesterday, a deep-voice announced over the PA that a Vietnamese Music group was going to perform in 5 minutes. I went; it was a crazy experiment. And, i bought a little "Vietenamese instrument". I met my mom and aunt for dinner. My aunt had just been on her first Eharmony date. We got to hear the details. I asked her how it went, and she replied, "He's smitten." I laughed-- that's so my family: seeing a date as a sells pitch. I then asked if she were smitten. She waved her hand and said, "I'd hang out with him again." So, I'm thinking she's not so much.
I attended the Lutheran Church again. I liked the music and readings. The people were friendly. The sermon lame. I think I can see myself going there. I just need to commit by joining a Sunday School or something.
Local flavor. I'm teaching "irony" too. Urban girl, eh?
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