Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas 2012 musings

Yowsers: AL's Xmas tree! 

It was a nice holiday.  I was sick for the first half but recovered in time to partake in the edibles!  It was a good reminder of how good life is: family, friends, food, time to relax and laugh.  I really enjoyed being with my family.  We did practically nothing.  We ate French Onion Soup, my brother and I watched Looney Tunes.  My mom said, "This is a great reminder of the role of family... even with their foibles... they are your family."  My aunt went all out with her party, and it was lovely.  The devil is in the details.
My Silly Brother

We did manage to go to the Christmas Eve service-- it was the contemporary music service, but the sermon was fantastic.  The pastor compared the article in Us Weekly about the preparations for Prince William and Kate's baby and Jesus's birth.  I was really struck by his comment about the prophesies about Bethlehem, and how they did nothing to spruce it up for the Messiah.  The parallels in my life run rampant.

The other thing that really struck me this time is the star.  It's beautiful that a) nature was drawn to Jesus and b) Jesus met the Magi in their language/vocation/passion.

Yes, please
The other difference this year was having to work Christmas Eve.  It wasn't bad, but it was a good reminder of how tough some people's lives are.  All I could think about were the poor mamas who had to work a shift at Wal-Mart or a grocery store and then come home to be Santa.  I also realized what a service working is.  We drove by a pharmacy open on Christmas-- can you imagine needing medicine and not being able to get it?

Also, Christmas cards and texts from friends were really sweet.  I felt loved.

So lovely!
I hope you had a happy, meaningful Christmas!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy Christmas! Following:)