Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Day 3: haHA

When the guy exclaimed "You've got it!" at 2:30 this afternoon, his voice was the sound of relief.  The poor dude was legitimately concerned about my understanding the information.  Good thing I come through in the clutch.

I guess they had the right to be nervous: it took me over twenty minutes to log in the first time.  But, I'm unravelling the logic of the systems and financial concepts.  Let's face it: I'm not afraid to ask questions... or interrupt... or ask the instructor to repeat what he said... or hazard a guess.

Plus, I've found a volunteer position as a safari guide to the greenway.  I took two excursions out today.  My morning excursion was with two guys in the class.  Then, over lunch, I muscled through the gag reflex with speed so that I could explore.  I found a buddy to go with me.  We saw a blue heron land on a tree!  We saw a model posing for a photographer at a waterfall.  We saw braille poems.  And, I got a huge cup of Starbucks so that I'd look alert through the afternoon.

Carpe Diem!  Work hard, play hard, get to know people.  I've got to make this job my own; it's up to me.  I've got to figure out how to make it work.  And, I am.

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