Monday, September 17, 2012

gettin' her done

I left the house at 6:59 am and arrived just before 8pm ready for a shower and dinner. How things have changed.  I don't have as much time to ponder the meaning of life... and that's a good thing.  My hand is being forced in what my priorities are.  I feel there's been a fundamental shift somewhere deep inside of me.  I can't even verbalize it.  But, it's present in my attitude towards money, singleness, people, time, and God.  Humility coupled with a deep sense of responsibility, which sounds contradictory on the surface.

I was thinking about and praying about a second job, and I got a bite on a possible ESL gig nearby.  That would be cool.

I ran five miles on the elliptical and did Body Pump after work.  Traffic was terrible so I just got off at the Y 5 exit before mine and worked out in lieu of sitting in traffic. I really felt like giving up, but the two chocolate chip cookies I chowed down on for dessert... and everything else I ate provided enough motivation to muscle through the "I don't wanna".  Plus, I thought it would help me sleep tonight.  Seriously, I sit all day: driving to work, at work, during lunch, driving home from work.  I'm a sitter.

I'm liking my job.  I really enjoy some of the people, and there is a lot to learn.

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