Wednesday, May 30, 2012

i like the movies!!!!

Over the past two weeks, I've watched three movies.   I love movies.  I'm a cinema glutton.  It's so bad; there's barely a movie I don't like.  (I've attached links to the official trailers of each movie.)

1. Salmon Fishing In The Yemen on Mother's Day.  I enjoyed this movie.  The Sheik's character is the most memorable aspect of the movie for me.  The character was amazing.  (No doubt there are political undertones, but so what?  Our secular culture needs to be called to task about its pointlessness.) I like the idea of trying something different and something beautiful can transpire despite terrible reasons underpinning it.  I appreciated how the main character played by Ewan McGregor grew and changed through interaction with the Sheik and being forced into the ridiculous venture that somehow ignites his soul.  This is a beautiful "feel good" movie.

2. The Avengers This movie is so much fun!  Brilliantly campy!  LOL!  Some of the scenes are too much (like when the Black Widow takes out about 10 guys while being tied to a chair with her boss on hold).   I think this would be a great date movie-- lots of one-liners to keep the conversation going.  I love Iron Man; he's so snarky yet lovable.  Captain America is the perfect straight man.  They could have done more with the bad guy, but he was strange.  My main complaint is predictability.  But, that said the humor and action more than made up for it.  Highly entertaining... just not high brow.

3. Footnote  Oddly enough, this may have been my favorite in this trio.  It's decidedly well done.  The acting is good, and there's subtlety to the telling of the story that alludes Hollywood.  Father and son. What is good scholarship?  Politics. Truth or grace? Ambiguity abounds throughout the movie.  This movie is a brilliant study of the human condition, especially our chosen forms of isolation and how we use stereotypes and short hand to understand others, esp. ones we're close too.   The familial relationships were heart-breaking.  The son and grandson's relationship and marriage ones are brilliantly portrayed.

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