Friday, July 6, 2012

onwards and upwards, onwards and upwards

Can I tell you how ridiculously tired I am of being underemployed?  and of the sense of helplessness it's stirred in me.  There's a sense of despair that accompanies repeatedly putting yourself out there, and receiving either rejection or nothing in return.

I finally found a job that I really, really want.  One that makes me beyond excited.  It's a global mobile high school.  Each semester is spent in a different city.  I'd be teaching the history of the city we'd be living in.  How awesome would that be?!?  Can you imagine?

So, they don't have an open position now... I've already heard.  But, I'm going to send them my cover letter and resume to hold.

The in between phase looks like it may be overseas teaching.  I'm interested in two schools.  One in the Middle East (high GDPs, I'm looking at you) and former USSR (flexibility and one-year contract, I'm looking at you).  Apparently, I'm pretty attractive because I have teaching experience, a Master's, and am single.

It's nice to be found desirable.  Now, I have to figure out what my non-negotiables are.  And, I'm calling around to find the easiest certification route.  I'm wondering if there's some flexible red-tape somewhere, esp. on election year.

I wish I had a longer discernment period, but at least I'm looking forward to having some decisions to make.

I have some financial goals that need to be met, and this seems like the best avenue of approach.  If it comes down to taking some classes to get my certification, I could do that overseas while making some money.  As much as my Japan teaching experience was a failure, I did learn a lot.  I'm only looking at large cities and schools with English or British curriculums.  

Here's the rub.  True love and family-- am I putting it on hold? Maybe, but I don't think so.  My love life is terrible right now because of my employment situation.  The guy I'm interested in does not reciprocate the interest (and I can't really blame him... I'm a little depressing right now.... although I'll feel sorry for him when I get back on track for not recognizing the diamond in the rough).  My friend M relieved me of some of my fear by saying, it only takes one guy in a city of millions.

I'm studying Proverbs right now, and it's been good.   My take-away has been quite different from what I expected, and that's a good sign. 

Onwards and upwards, friends!  Hoist your sail while the wind blows!


Jackie Bolen said...

Love can happen anywhere (it has for me in Korea!) And lots of people I know have met Koreans or foreigners in Korea and ended up married and with kids!

Pinkling said...

Jackie, You're absolutely correct.