Wednesday, July 25, 2012

so tired...

I'm drinking a 8.50 glass of really crappy CabSav and am finished with the 1.5 days of interviewing.  I don't feel overly interviewed (but utterly exhausted) after all of it because they talked more than I did for the most part (I'm not sure if that's good or bad).  I feel like I met some interesting people.  I don't know if that's a good or bad sign.  I felt a lot better about the position up until I was getting into the cab, and the guy told me that I was one of three candidates, and that I would hear from him Friday or Monday.  He told me that he wanted to leave no stone unturned.  That comment just inserted a storm cloud into my blue skies.

I thought it went well.  But, now I'm wondering if it did, in fact, go well.  I guess this is where faith kicks in.  Persistence enters stage left. I think I'd enjoy the school and would be a good fit.  It was far more laid-back than the last school at which I interviewed last.  It was unpretentious.  The school motto is even (gasp) in English... not translated Latin.  Classes are short, which is a good thing in my book.  One teacher I spoke with said, "I like this school because I'm treated like I'm a professional, who I am."

I'm concerned because I'm probably one of the more expensive candidates. The guy spoke about how much using the teacher placement service cost: 3-4k if they hire me.  They'd probably also offer me housing (at no cost to me).  On the other hand, a local wouldn't have any of those additional costs.  Schools have budgets too; even very chihuahua ones.

Then again, there were some positives.  They flew me in.  I was a rower, and rowing coaches are hard to find.  I've taught Language Arts, and there's a strong emphasis on writing in this course.  They finger printed me for a background check.  I have the same alma mater as the guy who interviewed me.  People seemed to like me, but it's harder to tell with well-mannered people.

Regardless, come Monday, I exit this psychological limbo of possibility.  I pray that I'm strong enough for both outcomes.  Supporting two possible futures is sometimes overwhelming.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Hey Joy, You're in my thoughts. Hope you get to do something fun this weekend.