Friday, August 17, 2012

back in the saddle

Today, I knitted.  I was nodding off while listening to a brilliant lecture on the Gospel of John in a Post Modern Context and thought, "This should not be!"  I needed something so to keep me awake because coffee wasn't doing the trick.  Voila, my discarded scarf from June.  It was mindless enough to keep me engaged in the lecture, and mindful enough to keep me awake.

Then, after my brilliant run, I went to the knitting store and asked her how much further I had to go.  She said at least 18 inches.  Then, she preceded to tell me that I needed to correct this glitch about 8" down because it would unravel if I didn't.  She showed me how to fix it.  It was cool and depressing how easy it was to unravel that much work-- it seemed pretty true to life.  Now, I have enough knitting to last me several lectures.  I really want a new pair of knitting needles.  Straight ones.

I'm interested to see how the running and knitting interrelate in my life.  Will it be too much space-out time?  Will I become an alcoholic?  Stay tuned.

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