Sunday, August 12, 2012


My first week of marathon training is done!  I'm following Hal Higdon's Intermediate 1 Program, starting at week 4. I did all the workouts... just not on the right days.  I put what I did and then what I was supposed to do in parenthesis.  Saturday I did what I was supposed to do, so there's no parenthesis.
Monday: 4 miles (3 miles)
Tuesday: 3 miles (6 miles)
Wednesday: 4 miles (3 miles)
Thursday: 6 miles at pace (rest)
Friday: rest (6 miles)
Saturday: 11 miles
Sunday: (cross training) weight lifting and yoga

That's a total of 28 miles.  The program looks like it works up to 43 miles a week.  We'll see how my body does.  I took the long run really slow.  Irritatingly slow.  But, it was hot. I was tired... and determined to finish.

I think I'm going to need to add in some more strength training and yoga during the week so that I'll have the strength and flexibility to make it happen.  My hamstrings and hips were sore after the long run.

I'm also trying to drink a lot of water and eat real food.  I'm praying I don't get injured because this is a much more strenuous exercise program than what I've been doing.  That's why I've been taking it slow.  If push comes to shove, I plan to take out a day or two of the short runs and replace them with swimming, rowing or biking for the same amount of time and intensity.

I did Body Pump (weight lifting class) and Body Flow (yoga, tai chi, pilates class) right after.  My poor little muscles were shaking with fatigue or fear by the end of the classes.  But, my hips and hamstrings feel better.  I did minimal weights because my goal was more to stretch and not be sore than to get ripped.

How's everybody's running coming along?  Are there any suggestions or pointers?

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Hey Joyo, Awesome about your training. I'm excited to hear how it goes. I'm running too. Planning on a 1/2 marathon at the end of Sept. I did really well until last week when we went on vacation. Not even a tiny 5k or anything...ugh. So I'll have to get my butt back on the road this week. It feels good though. I think I am my best running about 40k a week.