Monday, August 6, 2012

more plans...

Tomorrow, I'm headed to another state capitol to see about teaching.  They'll look at my transcripts and tell me about the Lateral Entry process... since I know nothing about it... The worst case scenario is: I get to have lunch with my little brother.  The best case scenario: I land a history position in a high school in a cool city.  There a total of three cool cities in this state.

My other plans include running.  I spoke with my cousin with whom I did a 24-hour adventure race about fighting the DPI.  He told me I didn't have a snowball's chance in hell because the guidelines are linked to state and federal funding.  I told him thanks for explaining it to me because I was going on logic rather than funding. But, while we were chatting, he told me that he wanted to do an ultra marathon.  I hem-hawed.  But, I think I'm in for phase one. I'm planning to run a marathon on November 16; it's a local one so it's no big commitment.  I won't run for time; I'll run for completion-- with a goal of 4:30 or 4:45.  Then there are several fairly local 50 k's and 50 milers in January and February.  Then there's a really nice (flat and temperate) 100 miler the first week of April we could do.

I'm so depressed and despondent about employment that I think I need a new outlet.  If I stick with this, I'll see results... unlike applying for jobs or dating.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Hey Joy, Good on you for training. Let me know how it goes. I'm up for a chat soon if you feel so inclined. We're around this week and gone next week. Love you Joy.