Monday, August 13, 2012

Batman and Bourne

Two weeks ago, the Chief and I underwent an intense psychological experiment.  We watched Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy.  We watched Batman Begins on Wednesday night, Dark Knight  on Thursday, and Dark Knight Rises on Saturday.  They were exceptional movies that I highly recommend. They were smart, complex and complete.

My brother's favorite is the final one.  I really liked the second and third one.  The Joker is hard to beat; Heath Ledger did a phenomenal job.  That said, I really liked the third one too.  I like the twist in the tale, which is fitting with Cat Woman.  The third one met its match with the Aurora shooting and the Olympics: those are powerful antagonists.  I've read reviews that boo the third one by saying it's over written and ridiculously implausible.  Of course it is-- it's a super hero tale based on a comic book.

Now, we're watching the Bournes.  Bourne Identity's flashy.  Bourne Supremacy is actually interesting-- the bad guy situation gets complicated.  Good and bad go awry.  They're good movies but pale in comparison to the Dark Knights.

I remember a guy told me that book series are popular with publishers because they represent less marketing because they already have a readership for the sequels.  This makes sense.  And, I like it as a reader... or a viewer.

I really like having the movies and watching them in close succession.  It's reminiscent of when I read the Harry Potters in Japan.  I devoured them.  I even went to Tokyo to buy one because it wasn't in my town.  It's excruciating to wait for an installment of a story to come out.  It's smart to wait until the last one is in place then you can gulp the entire story in one fell swoop.

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