Friday, August 3, 2012

reflection on the interview

As you could tell, I was pretty excited about the interview and thought it went well.  Let's be honest, I also really liked being treated like a desirable professional (being flown down and being put up in a suite) instead of a beggar being done a favor. But, I'm constantly humbled by how many things are out of my control.  I really think it came down that the other person was less expensive and easier to hire: the school would have had to pay a 3-4k finder's fee to the teacher placement service they used to find me, plus the move, and the hassle of getting certified in FL.  My consolation is that I think the middle school principal liked me a lot.  This same kind of thing happened to me last year (except the principal made a verbal offer... then rescinded it-- I could have sued but didn't).  

Oddly enough, I'm feeling a peace about it and renewed confidence.  I get carried away about finding a job... any job, instead of figuring out what precisely I have to offer (and how to market it).  I have a bizarre, niche resume, which actually suits me-- much like my new quirky haircut that I get lots of compliments on.  I just have to find the organizations that have a need for my niche. Last week's interview was a reminder that a market for my professional self exists.  I'm learning that it's just as impossible to undersell myself as to oversell myself.  We're in a really bizarre economy right now where people are uber-specialized yet multi-faceted.  And, I guess I am both those things.  I think I need to get more technologically savvy for whatever I do.

I'm making some last ditch attempts at teaching employment for this upcoming year, and then am back to the drawing board for short term employment.  I'm really leaning towards waiting tables so I have mental energy and imagination left to put into my job search.

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