Saturday, September 20, 2008

me... a busy bee?

I discovered lots of cool stuff this afternoon when I cleaned out my car. It was quite the undertaking, but proved worth the effort. Found: Matt Kearney CD and some stuff that a person shouldn't admit to having lost. Matt Kearney croons as I type. Now if he'd just rub my shoulders when we finish our respective masterpieces.

After six weeks on the job, I finally got my pre-employment medical screening today at an Urgent Care. I swear I started feeling sick after the TB test. Is it just my stellar imagination overly engaged in paranoia? Or, is it that I'll be the first person to die from a TB test and become immortal in medical texts? Stay tuned.

And, I compiled a power point presentation on Figurative Language for my little urchins. And, I've been coming up with ways to deal with behavior problems that I've let get out of hand (come back, days of staying seated and obeying my every command and zero sass). I'm going out on a limb and going to try some positive reinforcement. Crazy stuff, indeed. And, alphabetized all the papers I need to record in my gradebook. Interims go out next week. I'm very excited about extra paper work to add to my multiple helpings of other paperwork. Yippee yi yae.

I received an email Friday that my paperwork for LE was incomplete. Apparently, I filled out the wrong forms or faxed the wrong forms or screwed up something somehow. I get to chat with the head of HR next week. It's good to be me. I don't think they can fire me, but I do know they're terribly fond of their paper work.

I laundered multiple loads of clothes and cleaned my bathroom. I must be sick; there's no explaining the unexplicable.

I enjoyed a lovely ladies luncheon with my very fun neighbor. We have too much fun together. I really like that I don't know her phone number because I ring her doorbell instead.

Dude, I even did errands today. I took a load of generosity to Goodwill and spent my gift certificate given by my Faculty Friend nearby.

I listened to no NPR, but I did go to the library where I came upon more Kate DiCamillo books. I'm tempted to compare her with Katherine Patterson; this is a big deal, friends. Seriously, you should add Tale of Despereaux to your reading queue. And, The Rising Tiger is awesome. They're chocolate-covered profundity.

Even with this portrait of productivity, I managed to not cross off much from my TDL. I sidestepped the urgent. These are the shennanigans I pull that stress me out. Grace, grace, grace. Peace, peace, peace.

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