Thursday, March 5, 2009


Rough day 723 draws to a close. It wasn't without the many quotidian graces necessary for my soul and sanity: good people, good words, encouragement, laughter. Memoria is real. My day provides enough interaction for multiple interpretations.

A couple of nights ago my brother and I were bantering over the phone. We lighted upon this gem: "Prudent is the new sexy." This snappy phrase made me giggle as I paid my car insurance via phone and automated system. I went ahead and paid next month. Yes, I'm that sexy.

I met a friend for tea tonight. A friend who knows me well enough to see my job and circumstances as temporary. She's good to remind me of this. She's a bit of gadfly in a good sort of way. She reminds me that this period is good for my resume and rebuilding my sanity, but there is a better fitting job, social life and potential mate out there... and it won't happen if I let exhaustion and inertia rule me.

Oh, a colleague asked if she could set me up on a date. As she elaborated on the guy, I inferred he's an obese Baptist preacher. Dude, how do you turn down an offer like that? Especially if you have a fabulous sense of humor and have a knack for sharing anecdotes on a blog. I'm so gonna enjoy this. My tea friend said, "Remember not to let the zingers fly." No zingers aflight at that coffee.

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