Saturday, May 16, 2009

graduation= brilliant planning=stress

I haven't studied the transitive property in a while. My sister is receiving her MBA on Monday with the hooding ceremony Sunday night. My sister is stressed out; therefore, all of us are stressed out. She wants us to meet for dinner on Sunday before the ceremony but has yet to reveal the time and place we are to eat said dinner. And, my mom and sister both got hotel rooms, but they happen to be about thirty minutes away from each other. Yeh, sometimes picking up a phone and chatting can be good. She has everybody on a need-to-know basis, which makes us less concerned about details because we don't have any-- not that very many details concern us anyway. (Sometimes I wonder where my sister's genetics came from-- her temperment is definitely an outlier in our family.) So far, the Chief has locked her keys into her trunk, and I've had the audacity to get sick. So, that may mean I don't make the cut for karoake tonight after P's barbeque party at 5pm. My brother is still about an hour away-- so we're going to be late. But, who wants to go to a BBQ party with a bunch of strangers for five hours anyway?

My family has bungled every single one of our graduations. We're always late and discombobulated. At least two people are uber uptight (I was one at my high school graduation). I didn't bother to go to my grad school graduation; I read the commencement speach in Crux.

My sister's blood pressure must be really high today. Don't worry: I have cold medicine, and they'll be serving beer and bourbon. I need to be concerned about maintaining my equilibrium and good humor-- demonstrate the personal responsibility that I harp on my students about.

Asides: I got fried pigskins at the vending machines at the rest stop on I-40 East. I thought, "How southern!" until I read the "chicacharrones" in bigger print on the label. Ah, a little cross-cultural action, friends. They are tastey with cerveza.

I will nap now.

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