Tuesday, March 2, 2010

snow 1.5 hours?

Forget a snow day. Our school system let out one hour forty minutes early. Okay, whatever. Class was kind of pointless for the most part-- the kids were all high on snow... and getting out of school. So, I left school at 2:35, went to the Y, ran 6.5 miles on a treadmill, then aced a piyo class. It was my best yoga class ever because I was warmed up after just having run an hour. Of course, everybody looked cute and all yoga chic, and I was wet with sweat in my old running gear.

I really want a snow day tomorrow. So, I'm at the library checking out KL Going's Saint Iggy and the 2010 Newberry Winner When you reach me by stead. Snow day. The sky has been dropping these huge, luscious snow flakes. However, said snowflakes melt as soon as they touch the ground. I hope it gets cold tonight.

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