Thursday, August 25, 2011

marathon training

When I learned I didn't get the job a couple of weeks ago, I was shocked. That night after crying, I decided, "F it. I'm training for a marathon." I figured: a) I have the time, b) it'll give me something to talk about and do besides being unemployed, c) the endorphins will be much needed, d) it'll help me sleep and e) it'll make my figure even more svelte ;).

So far, I've been doing well except for the long runs. I'm getting massively intimidated by them. 10 miles in this heat and humidity is daunting. But, I was talking about it with a girl at my church who's a legit runner. And, by legit runner, I mean she's qualified for the Boston more than once. She told me to press on during the heat and not be afraid to run slowly, and when it comes fall I'll be in much better shape than I would think. She also offered to run with me. That's motivation.

Plus, I found this cool website where I can map my runs and keep a running diary. That's fun! It's called You can map out your own runs and look at other people's courses. It even gives you an elevation map. This will be fun.

This is week three of an 18 week schedule. The marathon I'm gunning for takes place December 10th. Wouldn't it be cool to run the Boston at least once?!? Then, I'll where to go from there: ultra, iron man, Boston, etc.

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