Wednesday, May 23, 2012

plan (in advance)

It's Canada, folks!

"Plan in advance" is one of my mom's pet peeve redundancies.  So, it's fun to say.  For people such as myself, it isn't so much a redundancy as a reinforcement strategy.

I'm headed to Vancouver to visit friends for the first two weeks of June!  Woohoo!

My Vancouver TDL:
My Soon-to-be Jericho Beach Running Buddies
1. Earth Day 5k or 10k at Jericho Beach with M&P.  I haven't decided yet.  It's the equivalent to running a Krispy Kreme race in North Carolina.

Some good eating buddies.  Notice the G&T's.

2. Eat lamb at Minerva's with Becky and Betty.  Drink a G&T with Cheetos with B&B as well.

3. Go to the Aquarium with M&S.
4. Evening Lecture at Regent about Technology and Imagination.
5. Drink coffee and read.
6. Stanley Park... maybe run the seawall... maybe not.
Granville Island: Hijinks and Hilarity
7. Granville Island: enjoy the buskers and all the crazy.

8. Trail run in the Endowment Lands (map: Hemlock and Huckleberry are some of my favorites).
9. Journal and fast from meals at Rivendell on Bowen. (This includes a beautiful bus and ferry ride.)
10. Learn a new recipe or two.  People are far more health conscious in Vancouver than they are here.
11. Watch at least one sunset.  I love how it dunks so quickly... and how late it'll be.
12. Have some amazing conversations and enjoy some good, old-fashioned silliness.
13.  Sushi and salmon are maybe's, but Grounds for Coffee cinnamon rolls are a must.
14.  Wear jeans in June!
15.  Go to the Nitobe Japanese Garden at UBC.
16. Go for a hike.
17. Drink hot tea.
18.  Art galleries on Granville.
19. Hear Darrell Johnson preach.
20.  Public transit.  I love taking the buses in Vancouver.
21. Bard on the Beach: Taming of the Shrew and Macbeth!

Figure some stuff out and get some distance from my present situation. (This, perhaps, is a byproduct.)

It's nice to have plans.  One can't deviate or accomplish anything if she doesn't have plans, eh?

(I took all these pictures in 2009.)

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