Thursday, February 5, 2009

comfort (food)

it all started when I overslept. I awoke ten minutes before I normally leave, but I left within my window of acceptability (6:30-6:45 am). I didn't drink coffee, and my hair looked particularly odd. Then we had intermurals in lieu of homeroom. I got miffed at my students because they were being completely half-assed (how's that for an oxymoron?). I yanked their buts off the court, and took them to homeroom. We watched the announcements instead. Apparently, it's okay to let your kids lack enthusiasm, but they were lying to me about who had gone. That's inexcusable.

And, my projector stopped projecting due to this kid "adjusting" it; he took out my computer monitor and the projector in less than ten seconds. I asked, "What did you do?" "I dunno," he replied earnestly. It's easy to believe him ever time he says 'dunno'.

So, in lieu of watching the video segment about sentence structure we turned to p. 1009; yeh, my kids were psyched. I made them work with the book even when the projector was up and running (it took about ten minutes). The point was the same: the book's version was more frumpy. They were half-assed with this sentence combining exercise. I made the one's who couldn't bother to do it to stay after until they finished it.

My day continued frollicking down Entropy Lane. My social studies lesson was dismal. In case you were wondering, 7th graders aren't fascinated by civil war in the Congo. I hope somebody learns from my failures. I thought it was awesome: three wars rolled into one (ethnic, international and civil). I was so very wrong. Drawing and comparing River Basins is way cooler. FYI.

But, afterschool I tutored some kids (two of my students pro bono and a 4th grader for $), and felt that I'm not the world's worst teacher. Hanibal Lector is. I went home and ate baked spaghetti, garlic bread, salad and coconut cake. I'm going to be a heftier person come tomorrow morning.

While I was planning LA, I found this amazing website with tons of downloadable short stories, We're talking Jack London, Oscar Wilde, Katherine Mansfield, and many more. The internets rawk! We're going to read "The Selfish Giant" by Oscar Wilde tomorrow. It has a Christian ending, which surprised me. I found the ending oddly satisfying and ironic. It didn't feel deus ex machina to me; although, it was. Wilde is such a charming and moral writer. I never bore of him.

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