Sunday, February 8, 2009


I hate the stimulus plan because I think it's stupid. Creating jobs for how long? A job could consist of one week or five years-- and the jobs are estimated to cost 100k a piece. It's a stab in the dark with a lot of pork (dead pig--i.e., it's already been stabbed) rolling around. Repeat after me, "Inflation." This is just another reason to move to Canada. At least with their hairbrain policies, I could laugh and not feel disappointed. I could say, "Silly, silly Canucks!" Unfortunately with the US, I have to use the first person plural (we) whenever I reference the evil, ridiculous shenanigans WE pull. Kyrios Elieson: FOCA. Supreme Court (judicial prudence). To me, foreign policy is secondary to state-subsidized infanticide. Call me a crazy Republican. I should clarify: when I said I hope Obama is successful, I meant I hope he doesn't run the US into the ground. I'm proud that there is a black man in office; unfortunately, it's a black man who's a politician versus a statesman. Perhaps, integrity went out of fashion with our infatuation with postmodernity. Clearly, there's a philosophical difference, differing world views, between the parties that few people are willing to admit or address. Orthodox Christianity is so tacky. Go, emerging church. Tell people what they want to hear rather than what they need to hear.

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