Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Ridiculous is this day! I discovered something amazing today: one can earn a Master's in Career Counseling from 41 different institutions in the United States. Seriously? What do you read: want ads or Aristotle? Do you get a magic 8 ball when you graduate? I'm all for professional degrees, but can we call them something else please? It's the same way I feel about gay marriage. I think equal rights for partners, but let's call it something else.

It made me think of a stanza of one of my favorite poems (Wendell Berry of course!):

"To be sane in a mad time
is bad for the brain, worse
for the heart. The world
is a holy vision, had we clarity
to see it-- a clarity that men
depend on men to make."

Finding out about a Master's in Career Counseling made me feel so irrelevant with my background in liberal arts... and my love of poetry and running and all things esoteric. I felt so not useful. Then, I remembered this poem. I think this is a profound definition of church: community that allows holy vision and clarity. I reminder of who we really are in Christ.

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