Thursday, September 29, 2011


Money paid to a school is the cheapest tuition you'll ever pay. That's how I feel about this interview I had today: I learned a lot but it cost me the job most likely. It's a proprietary school (for profit), which means, ye gods, a very different breed of cat. The head of department had problematic grammar; he hasn't mastered subject-verb agreement. Does it make me a snob that I noticed that? He was interesting, but he failed to make eye contact. Then, the other guy that sat in on my mock class winked at me when we shook hands in parting. Let's just say it isn't the last bastion of professionalism. (It's a sad state of affairs when I'm the most polished person in a room.) Ye gods, we're talking insanity. The think the entire episode can be summed up in my pearl bracelet (3 strings tied together with a pearl colored ribbon). I shouldn't have worn it; it looked utterly ridiculous in the situation. The same could be said about my degrees and my plentitude of random knowledge.

I wore the same outfit I would have worn to interview at a boarding school. I was expecting the dude to pick up on my reference to Katherine Meyer Graham and The Washington Post. Am I crazy? When in Rome, act/accessorize as a Roman. There were several points where I definitely took the wrong avenue of approach-- even with the lesson I chose to teach. I thought it was brilliant (because it WAS), but I should have created a simple lecture with power point. They were not duly impressed with the genius of my Socratic, discussion-based lesson. Whatevs. Or, maybe that's what the wink was for.

Of course, maybe the other people interviewing for the job with Master's in Divinity or Philosophy will be even more clueless than I. Maybe?

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