Tuesday, June 26, 2012

grand slam!

1. I donated six boxes of books to my church.  Of course they were in liquor boxes I got at the ABC store.  Of course my donation coincided with the  second day of Vacation Bible School with a sea of munchkins.  Only one of the boxes had a picture: the Absolut.  The church librarian told me that if the church didn't want them (or if they'd better suit the need), she'd put them in the box that we collect books for a theological school in Africa.  One of our members periodically goes and teaches, and he takes the books with him.  It's hard to imagine a Seminary with few books.  I've decided I should probably go through my books again and see if there are more I should donate.  I can be incredibly greedy with my books. And it's less claustrophobic in the room.

2. I made some delicious blackberry yoghurt cake after getting a half gallon of blackberries at the farmers' market.  Don't worry: it only uses a small bowl.  This is really simple and quick... provided you have the 6 ingredients or so.  I highly recommend it.  (Yes, I cheated on my madness/diet.)

3. I went with my cousin who's going into 10th grade to the free night at the Mint Uptown Art Gallery. We had a lot of fun.  It's nice to go with a kindred spirit-- she was enthralled by all the dogs in portraits as I was... or at least she pretended to be.  And, she was entertained by the private party too.  There was a human contortionist in this inordinately large clear ball.  It was bizarre and disturbing, and I couldn't stop staring.  Not to mention, there was a girl in glammed-out fire-engine-red ball gown with a gigantic bow over her butt.  It was very surreal.  The guests (except for a few guys) seemed far more interested in chatting with one another.  Then, after our high-faluting gallery visit, we ate white trash burgers and crab puppies at Pinkie's Westside Grill.  It was pretty awesome. (Yes, I cheated again.)

4. I applied to my overseas positions.  I'm a little nervous and incredibly excited about the opportunity. My main hesitation is the feeling that I'm refusing a chance at getting married and having children.  But, I figure that it's not like I'm meeting any guys here.  And, as long as I'm miserable and depressed, I'm not going to really attract someone worth forever.  M helped with the idea of meeting one guy.  That's all it takes.  I figure there may be the "one guy" in a foreign place.  But, overall I'm excited because it'd put me on track financially and career-wise.  I could write while there.

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