Friday, June 29, 2012

hot and zaftig

The temperature is hovering between OMG and WTF.  When I came back from my walk after 9pm, the sign read 96 degrees.  9pm.  It was definitely over 100 during the day. Cra-zy.

I had lunch with a friend, who I decided before hand would have the answer to my vocational conundrum.  He didn't.  But the food was really good. I had pasta primavera.  So, I thought I didn't like Italian.  Turns out, I do.  So, I learned something... just not the key to my future.

Yea, my diet lasted a whopping 3.5 days.  I'll try again after July 4th.  Maybe... probably.  I have lunch and then a party tomorrow.  I'm doomed-- all this social life is killing me (seriously, I'm going to have gone out at least once for 8 days straight).  Zaftig ain't all bad; I'll just have to strategize who to stand next to in pictures.

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