Friday, July 13, 2012

The Never Ending Story

I hadn't seen this movie in forever!  A friend and I went to see it last night.  I highly recommend it.

Is it cheesy?
Yes, in a really cool way.

Is it hilarious?
Yes, not only where it was supposed to be.

Does it inspire you?
Yes, I came away from it fired up and in a better mood.

Does it give you insight into your childhood psyche?
Yes, it was really bizarre to see the parts I remembered.

This is what I remember from the movie
I forgot that it functioned as allegory, or maybe I didn't understand the concept of allegory in 1984.  The swamps of sadness, "the nothing", and the mirror of your true self were fascinating concepts.  And, I really love the role reading plays in the story, and the role the reader plays in the story. I really enjoyed them as an adult.  I also realized that I need a luck dragon.

When I came home and googled it, I found out the book on which it is based was written by Michael Ende who also wrote Momo, which is one of my favorite novels of all time.  I discovered it when I was in Japan.  So, I'm thinking I need to read the book.  Momo is definitely worth reading too; it feels like a philosopher telling a story.  It raises fascinating ideas, but it's no beach read.  Momo plays with concepts of time.

It was a nice way to spend an evening, especially since we ended on the rooftop of an Irish pub, sipping beer, chatting away about the story and life.

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