Saturday, August 18, 2012

Marathon training: week 2 (or 5)

Monday: 3 miles
Tuesday: 6 miles
Wednesday: 3 miles
Thursday: rest
Friday: 6 miles at pace
Saturday: 12 miles
Sunday: strength and yoga (projected)

My left hip is feeling a little raw, but other than that, I'm feeling great.  It's going better than I was hoping.  I think because of my hip I may do a little more miles on the elliptical, but do my long runs outside whenever possible.  I might add a speed workout.  

Friday's run was amazing.  I kept going faster and faster.  I think I may have paid for it today.  Next week is an easy week, which I found incredibly motivating: the long run is 9 miles (a total of 26-- clearly a mental state).  Then the miles really start being piled on: 36 miles.  But, I'm needing the mental toughness.

I listened to a lecture on the long run for the first time today!  It was good.  I'm not sure it helped my speed, but it passed the time!  I think I'm going to get some mp3 books for my long runs.  I also went to the Y and got into the whirlpool after the run, I think that will help with soreness.  I also drank some chocolate milk after the run-- I think twelve miles is a long enough run to deserve it without being ridiculous.

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