Thursday, September 13, 2012

Day 4: Testing out the service

I think I'm going to enjoy these people.

Exhibit 1:
We ate lunch in a gazebo.  Four of us were chatting and eating sandwiches, and we finally asked the guy from Argentina how he ended up here.  The reason: lady who is now his wife and mother of his children. She was from Ohio, and they met when he was a tour guide and she was a tourist.  He explained that she was "testing out the service."  I responded, "She must have liked it."

Exhibit 2:
While at lunch, I got a text from a friend that had just spoken with my supervisor and given a reference for me.  She texted, "I think you're going to keep your job."

Exhibit 3:
I hang out with the smokers because I like going outside for breaks too.  I was chatting with this one guy about Notre Dame joining the ACC.  While we got sidetracked, it came out he'd been really sick and had had a kidney transplant.

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