Sunday, September 2, 2012

running report: week 4

A good week overall: 30.5 miles (should have been 36) totaled plus three hours of strength and conditioning.  All my "running" was on the elliptical due to my hip.  No flare ups.  However, my take away from elliptical is that I need to do at least a level 10, and go more by time then the mileage.  I'm not nearly as fatigued, esp. my legs, after the elliptical as I am after a run.  I try to get my heart rate in the 155-160 range for easy runs and 160-170 range for quick jaunts.  I was pleasantly surprised to find some pep in my step at the end of my long run-- got my heart rate to 172 after over 2 hours of sweating.

Monday: 4 mi
Tuesday: 7 mi
Wednesday: 4mi, 1 hr class Body Pump, 1 hr class Body Vive, whirl pool afterwards
Thursday: Rest
Friday: Rest (should have been 7 miles)
Saturday: 15.5 miles ( 14 were scheduled but I was feeling guilty for skipping a run.
Sunday: Body Pump, Body Flow

I need to run harder and longer for my short runs-- do it based on time and heart rate and less on mileage.  Maybe 160 for 36-40 minutes (the four mile runs).

I need to up my weight in Body Pump.

I need to keep a journal of what I'm eating-- I'm eating like a friggin' scavenger.  Not gaining weight, but not losing it either.  It would be nice to my joints for me to lose some weight.

My gu and jelly beans got the job done with fueling during the work out!

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