Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Curry and Casual Vacancy

All these ridiculously poetic (and/or silly) phrases are rushing through my mind in search of an audience.  I know it's time to write when the sentences are self-serving.  Seriously, I referred to last year as "an existential journey."  I think it's suitable description albeit a little hifalutin.  So, I need to let my little mental gerbil take a spin on his proverbial wheel.

I'm sure autumnal sunshine is on the ingredient list of happiness.

There's another one.  And, I think that would be an excellent exercise to write ingredient lists of my emotions: happiness, sadness, pensiveness.

Happiness: autumnal sunshine, laughing with a friend, fresh air, unconscious smiling, a spirit of inhibition and kindness, gratitude, bouncy energy, mug of coffee, comfy, colorful clothes...

It'll do.

This is the turn of phrase that best describes my job.  It's not the spiritual and intellectual pinnacle of my existence... at least I hope not.  But, I don't mind going... or leaving.  The people are interesting and polite. There's a lot to learn.  It's a lot easier than teaching.

The bonus to this okay job is that I have time and energy to do other things.

Like cook.  pumpkin curry with lentils and apples  Except I made it with acorn squash instead of pumpkin.  It's fantastic.  Very fall.  But, dear God, I'll never cut a raw acorn squash again.

Like read for fun.  I highly recommend Casual Vacancy. It's literature.  Keen insights into the human condition and fantastic sentences.  Even better than mine. (haha)  I'll review it when I finish it.

Like teach a class.  I'm getting ready to teach.

Like look for a part-time job substituting.

Like go hiking in the mountains next week.

Like work out.  Today I familiarized myself with the my options.  Maybe I'll be inspired to actually work out.

Like meet friends for lunch.  Multiple lunch dates.  Super nice.

I have a growing realization that life is hard and God is good.

If I were to condense my theology of right now, this would be the sentence.  It's neither poetic nor silly.   I used to think life should be easy.  Now I'm getting that it isn't.  I guess, it's a blessing that it's taken me this long to figure it out.

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