Tuesday, October 23, 2012

the bliss of sunshine, thank you's, and puns

Turns out that I'm a simple soul.  Really, truly simple.

Kindergarten math simple.

Just add water simple.

Phonetically-spelled simpul.

I know you're thinking, "Dude, I loved nap time and recess!"

But, there's a down side of my simplicity:

The mean reds.

(In case you didn't go through the obligatory Breakfast at Tiffany's phase, here's the the clip.)

On Saturday, the most dreadful people berated me on the phone..., and I let it get to me.

This ornery octogenarian (who'd apparently misplaced his dentures) told me how utterly useless I am... and slow... and several other things I couldn't make out.  I really wanted to lash out with something biting like "At least I know how to enunciate," and that's when I realized it's fairly easy to tune out somebody you have to strain to understand.

Then this stack of mistakes appeared on my desk.  I'd signed each one of them.  It took a lot of time to fix my mistakes-- mistakes I made because I paid attention in training.  And, the ornery guy and the mistakes of course took away from my call total, which is your gage of self respect.

The upside: grins and giggles

As yucky as my day was, going outside saved me.  I escaped the cubicle and day that kept getting cruddier and cruddier.  There's something magical about fresh air, sunshine, and walking.  Feeling the rays of sun revived me.  It reminded me that there was so much more than those jerks yelling at me and stupid mistakes. Maybe it was the vitamin D, or maybe it was God.  Or, maybe it was a combination.

Then, I got an email from some IT cog in my organization.  She forwarded me an email that some customer had written about me, reporting how awesome I was.  That one thank you unbruised my soul from my complaints.

Some people have a soul mate and/or a meaningful job that changes lives.  I have puns.  Like I said, I'm simple.  I came across: The past, the present, and the future walked into a bar.  It was tense.

I giggled when I read it.  I giggled every time it crossed my mind.

Giggling is fun.  It's one of my under rated talents.

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