Thursday, June 12, 2008

yes, more frustration please

Yesterday was delightful. I got a glimpse into exciting possibilities for my future through talking with two amazing associate pastors. They're both in their thirties, published authors and have cobbled out positions that suit them as they are. They offered interesting and encouraging ideas of how to frame my situation. So, I felt hopeful last night about getting to use my talents and passions.

Then, as I applied to MORE interim crappy jobs this morning, I got frustrated. Most chains have online applications that require the applicant's social security number, and I don't give out my ssn to third party people online. I was whining about finding a job to a friend, and she pointed out that people find jobs through connections. I believe she's right, but I have no connections around here and no money (because I can't get a job) to more or travel to where I have connections. Official quagmire. A scarce economy is all that meets the eye right now.

The Far Side cartoon where the kid is working out a math problem on the black board and for step 3 he writes, "a miracle occurs". Right now if a Starbucks manager bothered to call me back, it would seem a miracle. Perhaps, it would even be one.

P.S. My plants survived the overfeeding disaster!

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