Monday, November 21, 2011

puff of hope

My visit to Austin was amazing! My friend and her family are great. I didn't want to come back to Charlotte... at all. It's such a nifty city! And, it helps when you're hanging out with cool people. My friend was recovering from the flu, which was sad and made things low key. But, that's cool. It meant we got to sit around and chat a lot. And, we watched North by Northwest, which was good. I'd never seen it; I've only watched Rear Window. I need to get on my Hitchcock.

Max's Wine Dive

We celebrated Jenny's birthday at Max's Wine Dive in downtown Austin. I got to meet Hannah and Laura to of Jenny's hipster friends. One is getting her singer/songwriter career started while working as a software engineer. Another is a student and her boyfriend's in Burundi= fun people to chat with. I had fried chicken, collards, mashed potatoes and texas toast. No prosecco though. It was so yummy. And, it was excellent people watching. First dates are so fun to observe.

Gourdough's Gourmet Donuts

Food Trailers are kind of a big deal in Austin. They seem highly regulated but still manage an avant garde feel. We went to Gourdough's Gourmet Donuts for dessert. It was a thirty-minute wait, which was fine because there were three trailers, lots of picnic tables, good tunes, and lots of people to watch. And, lots of stories.

Baby Rattler

Before I left to go to Austin, my roommate and I discussed how it was seeming clear that God's shutting the door on Charlotte.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Hey Joyo, Thanks for the update. I was in Austin in 2007is and loved it as well. Glad you had a good trip.