Monday, November 14, 2011

speed job-hunting

One of my big(ger) beefs with looking for a job is how spread out the process is. For instance, the school in the summer took almost two months between turning in my application and getting my rejection letter. You need to have four interviews over a month in order to figure out if you want to hire someone?

Anyway, not today. Today I experienced the job version of speed dating.

I found a job on Craig's List.
9:50 I send email to address.
10:59 Receive email about phone interview.
11:12 I give availability
11:16 set up interview for 2.
2:04-2:19 phone interview. it was a questionnaire.
4:25 I send an email with two clarifications after having walked the dog and rethinking interview.
4:35 Receive polite refusal because I'm overqualified
5:08 I send missive that refutes her position and ask her to reconsider (because after all I have nothing to lose:
"I understand your position, but would like to share my perspective. Your position would be ideal for me and my Master's because I want to adjunct teach at ____. I've talked with the head of the History department I would put me in "adult learner" programs, which translate into a night or weekend class, which is a very part-time job. And, I also love to teach at my church; I'm preparing an Advent seminar right now. So, I'm getting the intellectual stimulation I need; I'm just not getting paid for it. I really do have fun working with children, and they like me too:) Your position would provide a worthwhile, honest, and enjoyable work, and hours, salary and benefits to teach what I love.

"Furthermore, your daughters would benefit from my higher education. All research concludes that whether or not a child goes to college is best determined by her third grade reading scores. And, the single factor that can be quantified about effective teachers is their vocabulary, which I have in spades. So, your investing in me now would have a far better ROI than even than SAT prep tutoring and prep schools, etc. I understand your concerns that are somewhat legitimate, but my benefits far outweigh the dark horse factor (plus, you can't overestimate the power of a bad economy on the fate of a liberal arts major).

"I'd really appreciate if you'd reconsider; I know you'd be pleased."

5:21: receive:
"Okay. You got me. You have valid points. How about a face to face interview on Thursday at our country club?"

So this would have taken far longer in most circles. It's not my dream job, but I'm coming to realize that dream jobs don't really exist. They're kind of like utopias, which literally means "no place" in Greek. And, I failed to mention the three mass emails I sent out today too, which was OVERkill even for me. But, I had no idea how quickly the process would go.

I don't know what God's doing in this and if I'll get the job, but I do know Sasha dog is snoring at my feet... because we went on two walks today.

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