Sunday, January 2, 2011

back to the grind... and all is grist

It's not possible! I'm not going back to work tomorrow! As I gaze out the window, I'm fixated by the rain drops lined up along the electrical wire outside my window. Some look ripe to drop, and the little kid in me wants to watch.

The ordinary raindrops have my ugly black wire into art. The gray and brick background and the white blinds in the foreground display the sparkle of the rain drops. This train of rain drops has been a good reminder of how God works every day. I want a flashy miracle to help me rise above the mundanity. Instead, God brings two commonplace things (rain and wire) together into a temporary piece of art. I can't even grow numb to or tired of its simple beauty. Ah, juxtaposition. There are the human and natural aspect of creation and others too.

And, finally the juxtaposition of holiday and work. Each little raindrop/day of my holiday has plopped off the wire and left me with work tomorrow. I'm dreading the 5:40am alarm! But I will be glad to see my fellow teachers and my students. No doubt my students will be as sleepy as I will be. The first day back from a holiday is usually calm; seventh graders are still asleep. My beautiful, restful holiday will be converted into a little smooth stone of a memory that I can pick up every now and then.

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