Thursday, January 20, 2011

bible study

I've been waffling about my bible study but no more. The women are absolutely darling. I know that sounds fake and sentimental, but I promise I'm being neither. The women are very much themselves. This means I have a lot in common with a couple and with others next to nothing. My "least Southern Southerner" aspect comes out, especially when dealing with theology.

We discussed Hagar, Ishmael, and circumcision, which made for very interesting conversation. The Bible is incredibly odd and interesting. I feel the most skeptical in the group-- I have to say "Hold up-- that's more than a little weird." What really threw me this study is when Yahweh comforts Hagar by telling her she'll have numerous descendants and her son will be a wild donkey of a man who will constantly fight with others. She replies that Yahweh sees her. The whole interaction seems disjointed and not very believable. I need to read some commentary to make sense of it. Usually I can follow where the people are coming from, especially when they make bad decisions that make you cringe. Yep, I can identify with that. What mom would be excited to be told her son would be a wild donkey of a man?

But, I'm reading through the Pentateuch right now and I'm overwhelmed with God's choice. He's amazing, gracious, personal, truthful, powerful, humble. He's present in Abram's and Sarai's history. He knows them and loves them. The Bible doesn't seem to gloss over the characters' flaws. I love Sarai laughs when Yahweh says she'll have a son... and then she denies it. Abram believes Yahweh about having a son, but then ask for clarification about the land ("So God, what I'm hearing is...). Yahweh seems painfully plainspoken in several conversations. Your offspring will be refugees and slaves and badly treated for 400 years, but the nation will be punished and they'll come out with bounty. Yahweh also seems very specific: the land specs, Sarah will have the baby within the year. Then, it seems like there are parts when he's vague and then later on clarifies.

This Bible Study is a lot like my running club. Reading my bible and running are different activities when alone and when in community. Community is both harder and more fun. There's less room for self-deception surrounded by others. I need these women and this study in order to grow more holy in the same way I need the running club people to grow faster. P.S. Last night's track workout kicked my butt and I did the fat-kid version pyramid (3miles) while most of the real runners did a 4 mile version.

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