Monday, October 3, 2011

adhd episode leads to entrepreneurial venture

Today was designated for collecting, sifting, organizing, all my stuff from my old apartment into my new room. My apartment was small, but the room is smaller. It's a study of conspicuous consumption to have duplicates and a plethora of random crap. I have a hard time getting rid of stuff. I have to take advantage of a moment of crisis such as this.

I need to get rid of clothes, books and things miscellaneous. While weeding through my books picking out the ones I haven't read in ten years, it occurred to me that I could try to sell them on Amazon. So, I set up a seller's account and posted some books. A lot of my books wouldn't be worth selling because Amazon charges $1 plus 15% per book. But, several of my books are worth over one-hundred dollars and couple over fifty! I told my brother about it, and he said I should go through the books at Mom's. I told my sister, and she said she couldn't sell her books.

Well... I haven't sold any yet, but I'm excited about the prospect. One part of me is in total agreement with my sister and feels like a jerk for selling my books. Another part of me knows I like to buy new books. Another part of me justifies it by thinking about my high school crush Thomas Jefferson. He sold his library. Desperate times lead to desperate internet selling schemes. It's not like a ponzy scheme; it's actually making the world a better place. A book case is a treasure chest in more ways than one!

I might try to sell some of my clothes on eBay. The worst case scenario is they don't sell... or I somehow lose money on the proposition. But, selling stuff is in my blood. Lots of my family own their own businesses.

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