Friday, October 14, 2011

baby mop

Baby Mop link
So, I didn't end up making edible bread today. However, I did make some metaphorical bread when my aunt said, "I really like your purse." I immediately asked, "Enough to buy it?" And, a deal was struck. She said she had the cash on her, and I said she could have the bag then and there. I learned my lesson-- one must seize a transaction when one notice's it. Strike while the iron is hot. This looking for a job stint is really transforming my relationship to stuff. I'm getting far less emotionally attached. It's stuff. It helps that my Bible study last night was on Ecclesiastes 6, which is about stuff.

Happy stuff: Doesn't that baby mop do your heart glad on so many levels? I found this on pinterest, which is yet another online black hole to suck your life force. So, of course, I like it. My sister contends that pinterest is the dumbed down (i.e. "feminized" version) of digg. She may be right. However, the baby mop reminds me of dogs carrying packs on hikes. I swear the dog and the baby are psyched about pitching in for the greater good!
dog carrier link

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Love the baby mop!