Monday, October 10, 2011

machine gun approach= always fun

I think my roommate is concerned about my being able to pay rent. We just sat around for 45 minutes discussing different types of teaching jobs I'm willing and able to do. Substituting is not an option: that's my absolute worst nightmare. My roommate's big into me capitalizing on my ESL experience with Koreans and Japanese. So, tutoring for reading or ESL for third graders through college students-- we wrote down names of schools from ritzy to non-ritzy for possible students. Private and public schools, community colleges, etc. Plus, there's the gargantuan home-school contingent that I might be able to break into and get paid to teach somehow (I have some names of home-schooling moms to call and start investigating opportunities). I hadn't even considered that where I live, but it's worth looking into. I also need to look into high-end nannying not the ones where you clean the toilets while the kids watch cartoons and drink kool aid (I have a number for a woman with a master's who nannies and get paid on her education-- I'm going to call her).

I made my (unsuccessful) collection calls today-- just to remind the people that owe me money that I remember that they owe me money and that I, in fact, need the money. I received an email that one adjunct position isn't available. But, I got a phone call from a better school about some history classes for the summer and fall. That sounds so far away, especially the fall. And, I'm not sure I want to commit to staying in Charlotte so I can teach a single class. But, I'm jumping the gun. Who knows if they're even interested in me?

And, I added about twenty more books to my amazon account. And, I read articles on Squidoo for about an hour and am starting to get an idea about what to do for that. And, I looked at some Christian think tank in Cali, which would be beyond a dream job-- I'll look into the organization. I'm praying and acting so something is going to have to eventually sprout. "When I pray, coincidences happen, and when I don't, they don't." - William Temple

If you have any good ideas, please message me! I'm open to

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