Thursday, October 20, 2011

Ultimate Hike

While I'm relaxing at the beach this weekend with my family, my former roommate is doing a 25 mile Ultimate Hike to raise money for children's cancer... or children with cancer. I think she's raising 2500 dollars, which she has another month to raise. I think she still needs another $1000. I think that's stressing her out more than the actual hike; she's counting on adrenaline for that. It'll be in the mountains. I think she'll have an amazing time. We shall see.

Let me know if you're interested in sponsoring her, and I'll give you her name. I wish I had more money to give, but time is what I have right now.

Cancer affects everyone. My present roommate had breast cancer. A woman I work with on Alpha has a mom that just found out that it came back in her bones. The mom of one of my best friends is fighting a very aggressive form; here's her Cancer Wars blog. A woman my sister just through a baby shower for a cancer survivor. Four other people spring to mind. And, I'm sure anyone can list people with cancer; I went to a funeral less than a month ago for a cancer victim. It's concrete evil. And, to think little babies die of it, and that it's just as present in countries that don't have our medical technology to deal with it effectively. Kyrie eleison. Go Kristen!!


Amanda said...

Crazy hey Joy. I can't get over how many people have to go through chemo or die from cancer.

Pinkling said...

every case is really bizarre and tragic yet it happens all the time. it's the same crazy thing with babies. Each one is a stinking miracle on so many levels, but women give birth on a pretty regular basis. How do you not get numb and not go crazy?