Wednesday, January 7, 2009


So, I've started getting up at 5:30 again but haven't adjusted my bedtime. Last night at 10pm, I told my sister, "I'm not going to bed I'm going to read." And, I stayed up until after twelve. This morning, the custodian looked at me and said, "You had a hard time getting out of bed this morning." I just laughed; I looked awfully rough all day.

I'm determined to have a semblance of a life outside of teaching this semester. Oh, I'm not talking about a social life, but an achieve goals kind-of-a-life. I want to read a book a week and run two half marathons by July. I'd like to write one article. I want to talk to the Army Reserve and check out teaching positions at other places. I'm attempting to start another book club. And, I'm going to tutor my favorite student from last year. I love one-on-one, and I'm going to bring Tale of Despereaux to see if she's interested. And, maybe the first Lemony Snickets. She's a keen fourth grader, which means she's on or above the level of most of my seventh graders. I want to be rested to read with her.

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