Tuesday, January 20, 2009

republicans rawk!

I remembered why I'm a Republican tonight... because Republicans rock! There was none of that suffocating smugness and self-righteousness. There was no abstraction and ambiguity. Republicans guffaw rather than titter. Republicans are robust and hearty; there's nothing mealy and glib about them. Republicans can look you straight in the eye; they aren't twitchy. I thoroughly enjoyed myself tonight at the hoity-toity shindig: "Obama and Corporate America" inaugural hoopla. Sometimes, I'm embarrassed by my Republican leanings; I could not vote for somebody who could even pretend to be for FOCA. How somebody can be pro human rights and for terminating a pregnancy beyond seven months boggles my feeble imagination. I wish Obama the best; it's in the entire world's best interest that America succeeds. If our economy fails, the global economy fails. I don't think Americans are superior, but I do think we're necessary. We still have IP that can't be touched-- we just need to be able to enforce Intellectual Property rights globally. China, Korea et al are ripping off our ideas... and have the manufactoring capability to beat us at our own game. We come up with the idea, and they improve it.

I spent the day in an emotional trough. Dammit, I wanted a snow day. And, my period accosted me-- a regular reminder of my spare womb. I think, we babeless babes should at least get fewer cramps or something for being denied our maternal leanings, eh? And, I planned, but they didn't turn out. I should have taken a different route that occurred to me during class. But, I like my class tomorrow. It'll be all about dragons-- Language Arts and Social Studies. Seriously, it's a cool multi-faceted concept. I drank Merlot and chatted politics with Republicans in lieu of visiting my spiritual director and Vespers. Benefits: I kept my word to my aunt and I got to wear the dress I just made with my new fuschia cashemere wrap. But, I need to see my monk soon; my soul is withering in my churchless state.

Perhaps I had too high of expectations for the coronation, but Obama let me down a bit. I'm not going to lie. And, how many points did the stock market drop: 334 points? Hope spreads only so far.

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